Unlimited Spin to Win logo

The following demos have all features enabled.
You can customize each portion and also selectively disable features such as scarcity bars.

Basic (Dark)

Our basic, dark-mode wheel with an even chance of winning any slice.

Open Basic (Dark)Open Basic (Dark)

Time Sale

A time limited sale wheel. We’ve added a countdown and image into the content.

Open Time SaleOpen Time Sale

Valentines day

Close this wheel and have a look at its cute custom teaser image.

Open ValentinesOpen Valentines

Long form

Ask customers for more details with a full form before they can spin

Open Long formOpen Long form


Spin the rainbow wheel! The color and chance of winning each slice is customizable.

Open ColorfulOpen Colorful


Image backgrounds and strong colors come together in a vaporwave color scheme.

Open NeonOpen Neon


A seasonal wheel with festive red and green colors and an image background.

Open ChristmasOpen Christmas

Black friday

Use spin to win wheels to promote your sale events such as black friday.

Open Black FridayOpen Black Friday

See more

Now you’ve had a taste of what Unlimited Spin to Win can do, sign up for a free account and start improving your conversion rate now!